Leave it be

What an incredible and beautiful journey transformation can be……     I had some painful hurt surface or so I thought. I felt my body, wanting me, instead of not to [ . . . ]

A Very Different Kind of Birthday:

I hadn’t planned anything for my birthday all I had scheduled was I had my appointment at the Greek embassy to renew my passport. I asked the day before to [ . . . ]

Celebrating My 21st Anniversary of Being Hit by a Car

I am in full celebration of my 21st anniversary of being hit by a car! The most important gift I received was the awareness of the impact just one person [ . . . ]

Standing on my Own Two Feet: Part Two

Have you ever wondered with certain traumas, accidents, incidences, experiences, who is really the “traumatized” one? The person that actually has the experience or can it maybe be sometimes the [ . . . ]