Relationships, Bonds, Friendships, Me & You

   We are all deeply unique and different so when we come together with another person what we make and are together is unique as well. Every friend, lover, partner [ . . . ]

Recognizing Differentiation

   I was just pondering about the different motivations and views according to the Human Design System (the science of differentiation) and how it frames the way we perceive the [ . . . ]

Beauty of Christmas

I have been noticing people’s attitude towards Christmas. People dreading being around family, not being able to be themselves, conflict, doing things they don’t want to do. Viewing Christmas as [ . . . ]

What You Call “love”

To me what you call “love” is being yourself…it cannot be defined as we are all so unique…It is everyone, and everything, all of life, it exists, in everyone…everyone holds [ . . . ]

Accomplishing Anything…

     There is no such thing as a correct technique, process, diet, exercise, or tool  to accomplish or reach something, or make your body feel good and healthy. It [ . . . ]