Love’s Fool

When you try to control me…that’s when you loose me, You have my love and devotion… Control is not necessary. My love or your love cannot be measured, solidified, and [ . . . ]

“Smile” – A Point of View

So often I see comments of people on facebook, and in life where when a person is not smiling in the photo, others comment,  judging it as something wrong. “Why [ . . . ]

Leave it be

What an incredible and beautiful journey transformation can be……     I had some painful hurt surface or so I thought. I felt my body, wanting me, instead of not to [ . . . ]

Fear of Letting go of Everything that Was Not us

What we felt last year, or many years ago, no longer matters…what matters is now what you feel, and sense now. When we attach ourselves to what was then, then [ . . . ]

Gifts From Life; Lessons From Death

(photo of me taken by  “The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson   The other night as I was sitting and talking to a [ . . . ]

A Very Different Kind of Birthday:

I hadn’t planned anything for my birthday all I had scheduled was I had my appointment at the Greek embassy to renew my passport. I asked the day before to [ . . . ]

Sex: Allowing Our Body to Lead

     What if the” key,” to sex is being able to be ourselves at that moment, allowing our body to speak for itself, to guide the process, and leaving [ . . . ]