



We are all the same - BEAUTIFUL & UNIQUE.
-Gaia Giakalli

 I used to think I am very different from others. Now I realize all it is, is that I am being that different. EVERY single person is different, unique, it is simply being that, that makes the difference.
-Gaia Giakalli


It is not about becoming stronger. It is not about having or finding, or building more strength or courage, confidence, happiness, joy, love, or even reaching a particular goal. It is simply about being yourself, being more and more of you.  You do not have to search for anything, or find something within you or outside, it is all there, you just simply have to BE IT.
-Gaia Giakalli


Happiness, success, and joy is not a goal, or a result, or even making your dreams come true…it is being you….
-Gaia Giakalli


If someone judges you let them and their words be the fuel to make your dreams come true…to remind you of what you are here for…to jump on your horse and ride…no longer waiting…for approval from anyone around are never going to get it from everyone…some will, some won’t. Allow both those who judge you, and those who support you to be as much as an empowering force as the other…to be all that you can be….mutually igniting that fire….to take off and burn….to get you off your cute butt, and take off and fly…
-Gaia Giakalli


I actually realized I draw the way I live. No plan, no specific objects, just symbols “non existent” ones. I have absolutely no idea what will be the result, where it is going to take me or what colors I will use. It unravels as I am going along. Whatever feels right at that moment.
-Gaia Giakalli



I have always said I can’t draw. Maybe it’s not that I can’t draw, maybe it’s that I cannot draw specific settings, objects, as they make no sense to me, I rather create my own.
-Gaia Giakalli


Nature teaches you, “Hey be you!” ”You are supposed to be you,” “There is no other you.” Feel comfortable in your own skin, your own bark, ground yourself within your roots. Embrace your leaves, your mark, your fur, your teeth, your beak, feel your paws, ride your waves. Recognize the nature within you, the nature of others & the nature all around you.
-Gaia  Giakalli


Our body is actually our greatest ally, our greatest gift.
-Gaia Giakalli



Remember, it is the journey not the result that matters. Experience the sensation of every spoonful of your favorite cake instead of rushing to swallow it down, for then it is over. Enjoy every mouthful, every ingredient. Enjoy life. Set yourself “wild.” That is the way of nature.
-Gaia Giakalli


Nature allows you, teaches you, reminds you of who you are. No matter how much you try to fight it, go against it, it will still be there, it will never go away,  because it is within you, it is you…you are wild.
-Gaia Giakalli


It can be wonderful you know just to spent time with yourself.
-Gaia Giakalli


  There is no such thing as good and bad, cruel vs. kind, mean vs. loving, it is about choosing to be one or the other with the other at every moment of our life. We bounce from one to the other. People are not mean, cruel, or bad. They are beautiful and unique who do cruel, mean, stupid things at different times of their lives. They are simply not being themselves at that moment.
-Gaia Giakalli


There is no such thing as a correct technique, process, diet, exercise, or tool  to accomplish or reach something, or make your body feel good and healthy. It all can be. Yoga, tai chi, dancing, football, tennis, painting, singing, writing, boxing, zumba, hypnotherapy, psychology, EFT, meditation, taking a walk in the woods, swimming, you name it!…it all is, it all can be…you merely have to find which one or ones  are correct for YOUR body….and every simple every day act can be that. Open your ears and listen…your body speaks…
-Gaia Giakalli



No one is “changing." They are becoming more of who they truly are…
-Gaia Giakalli


 I am a wild animal,
I dwell in nature.
Rules & regulations?
This does not exist in my world.
-Gaia Giakalli


What is the fear of the wild? The fear of wild is the fear of our true self…
-Gaia Giakalli


Children without the influences of the external world are true to themselves filled with wonder for life and love for life. The older they get the more they lose contact with that. This happens because we try to teach them our way, our beliefs, what we think. We treat them as ignorant. But are they really? Or do we turn them into that by stripping them of their own personality?
-Gaia Giakalli


Many times we are faced with choosing me, you, or us. When the other does not give you the choice of us and only the choice of me you have to choose you. If you choose the other you lose both, yourself and the other. Without a me they can be no us. When I choose you, there is no me, and they cannot be an us.
-Gaia Giakalli



With the correct people in your life your strengths become magnified, you are empowered, you flourish…expand into the greatest potential possible. In the same way with the incorrect people in your life your greatest strengths become your weakness, that which you are judged for and made wrong for.
-Gaia Giakalli



A fire by my side…my bare feet touching the Earth…the full moon watching over me…the silence of the night other than the ocean’s waves announcing their presence with their pounding…and the geckos calling out…I am…home...
-Gaia Giakalli


How could you be “alone” in nature??? There you have the biggest crowd imaginable and amount of life! There are trees, plants, flowers, rocks, insects, the earth. It is crawling with life!!! How can that be considered alone? We humans sure are a weird lot!!
-Gaia Giakalli



Our bodies are indeed all knowing. They are aware of what is good for us, foods, people, environments…things. In fact no one else knows better what our bodies require than our bodies themselves. They are constantly pointing us in the right direction.
-Gaia Giakalli


Your life is an experiment so live it instead of trying to follow a specific frame, outcome, goal that has been given to you by the outside world, instead follow who you are...allow your being to direct you.
-Gaia Giakalli


 I will always lead a life of jumping, leaping into the unknown…going places where no one has ever gone before…or ever knew existed…or thought possible…carving new paths, new horizons…new ways of being…
-Gaia Giakalli


The world of melancholy, that inner space is where I dwell, reside, and belong…nowhere else. It is my home…and the most beautiful place…
-Gaia Giakalli


No matter what degree, expertise, title, history, experience you have you Do NOT know what is true and correct for the other. Ask questions, stop making assumptions and generalizations.
-Gaia Giakalli


When you say, “I am a different person now than I used to be,” what you really mean is that you are more yourself…less conditioned by the world around you and more in touch with what is you and who you are…you are becoming more the beautiful unique you…♥
-Gaia Giakalli


All this love is this, love is that, only certain things, behaviors, words, actions are love and others not. Well I say, garbage boloney! love is what it is for each and every one of us individually and uniquely.
-Gaia Giakalli


I see and am something different and I am here to be that different I see and am…same as you.
-Gaia Giakalli


Dance is a form of form of speech. It is not just my throat that wishes to express...but my entire body. It has something to share. Every part of my being speaks to you, every muscle, every cell. It is all alive. It all wishes to share something. My whole body dances.
-Gaia Giakalli


No  barriers, no armor, I am open...vulnerable...a most beautiful feeling.
-Gaia Giakalli


My parents planted trees everywhere, whom by the time of my adult hood had grown into massive trees transforming it into a jungle.The trees were my best friends.
-Gaia Giakalli


What a gift it was to be raised among so many amazing trees and nature. We grew together, they were my playmates, my friends I was always out among them, playing beneath them, beside them, or climbing them.
-Gaia Giakalli


I do not require a reason or particular goal…I am not a dooer, not a tryer, nor a planner…I am a beeir
-Gaia Giakalli


I don’t want me to be your priority in life. Quite the opposite I want you to be your priority in your life. To be and act as your unique self at any given moment, to be true to yourself and then as a result true to me and everyone else, just as I will be true to me.
-Gaia Giakalli


There is nothing more beautiful than being who you are…discovering the beauty of that and in turn discovering the beauty of the world.
-Gaia Giakalli


“I don’t feel alone, I want to be left alone.”
-Gaia Giakalli


Are there any single answers? True for me, not true for you. For them reality, for us distortion. Magic for one, hell to the other. There is no single answer.
It requires exploration, courage, and being. Otherwise someone else’s life becomes yours. Perseverance…perseverance against all odds…to be who you are…to follow your truth…your reality. The most difficult battle of all yet… the simplest. Be who you are.
-Gaia Giakalli


The sun is departing. I watch its beauty…mystical through the trees. It’s spectacular light emitting through the branches. I float through in between the forest following it,
Always keeping its rays upon my face. I lean up against the tree feeling its beauty.
Its power penetrates my skin, my eyes, my nose, and lips, all lit up by the sun.
-Gaia Giakalli

The most courageous act you can do in your life is being you…
-Gaia Giakalli

When you are being all that you are, you allow the other to do the same. When you are being the unique you, you are being a gift to you and the world.
-Gaia Giakalli


I love not knowing where I am going…it always results in the most best of times.
-Gaia Giakalli


All nature’s elements and earthlings are beautiful, because they are who they are meant to be, they are true to themselves. This is what in fact draws us to nature captivating our attention and fascination, we can be who we truly are, and we get a taste of who we are.
-Gaia Giakalli


Nature is one of the greatest guides into the world of you.
-Gaia Giakalli


You can be who you are meant to be.
-Gaia Giakalli


Embrace your true nature. The only darkness in the world is the suppression of that.
-Gaia Giakalli

To enforce ones opinion of view onto the other is not honoring the other as a living soul.
-Gaia Giakalli


Is not the beauty to discover each other rather than try to make the other like you?
-Gaia Giakalli


Nature connects us to our true nature.
-Gaia  Giakalli


       Night’s sense of mystery…the stars, the moon, the mystic. My favorite time out in nature has always been nighttime. I feel the most comfortable then. It seems unnatural to remain indoors after the sun has gone to sleep. The owls appearance, the hedgehogs that come out to play. The wave’s sound seems so much more vibrant and alive, It has always been my favorite time to dance out in nature. I never understood those comments “At night out alone!” “Aren’t you afraid?” I have always felt quite the opposite. I always felt the safest. The night is a friend to me. I feel completely at home, comfortable.
-Gaia Giakalli


 I am my favorite person to be with.
-Gaia Giakalli


In fact the only time I could get bored is when I am doing something I do not really feel I would like to do.
-Gaia Giakalli


What is the point if it does not feel good?
-Gaia Giakalli


I have spent most of my life in solitude and never felt alone. Actually the times I have felt “alone” is when I was in big crowds of people.
-Gaia Giakalli


Spending time with humans can be as equally as satisfying and beautiful however there is no difference it is all part of the same thing, and so is being with yourself, and I so enjoy it!
-Gaia Giakalli



How often do we ignore what our body is telling us? Has it ever been wrong? It knows…we know. We tend to get caught up in our heads though.
-Gaia Giakalli


Your body knows…you know.
-Gaia Giakalli


Our bodies teach us awareness.
-Gaia Giakalli


I am not here to be told what to do. How to act…what to wear…what to say…
what’s proper and improper.
-Gaia Giakalli


You have your own rhythm, your own cycle, which you and only YOU can uncover. You already know it. Your body knows, you just have to remember how to listen to discover the correct cycle for you.
-Gaia Giakalli


That is the beauty...the individual quarks and differences that make the whole.
-Gaia Giakalli

Only we know how and where our center is.
-Gaia Giakalli


When you come across a large wave do you become fearful of it when you see it, judge it, view it as something “bad,” stop and get thrown over? Or do you see it and go “yay! How fun can this be?” Jump on a surfing board and ride the wave having a grand old time?
-Gaia Giakalli


If you stop…everything around you keeps moving whether you move or not.
-Gaia Giakalli


Movement can mean stillness sitting by the ocean in solitude observing the waves...that is also movement maybe the largest movement that exists. It’s being there in the moment.
-Gaia Giakalli

The earth is more me. The ground, the mountains, the water flashing down the river…that is me. My home, my family, my essence…wild and free.
-Gaia Giakalli


Whenever a part of self is suppressed it will affect our caring for others as we are not caring for ourselves.
-Gaia Giakalli


Look at children or babies. They are upset, they express it, and it usually lasts a few minutes. A baby will scream crying its eyes out and ten minutes later be giggling and smiling. It is able to smile after and feel as if nothing happened because the emotion came, it felt it, expressed it, and released it. If it had not it would just build up. The baby’s smile becoming less and less each time. The weight becoming heavier and heavier. It is so simple.
-Gaia Giakalli


By fearing our emotions, our self, judging them we deny the other theirs as well, continuing an insane cycle, of world madness.
-Gaia Giakalli

So that you may merge. 

-Gaia Giakalli


 Dance…my drug, my elixir, my MMMMMMMM…………………….
-Gaia Giakalli


I feel, see, and perceive the world like a wild animal, a plant, or tree. I am instinctual knowing.
-Gaia Giakalli


Just because we live on planet unaware (otherwise known as stupid) does not mean you have to try and fit in and pretend you are stupid too. Ooops! Sorry I mean unaware. Shine that amazing light! shake that butt, be you, be different, be that crazy! Allow stupid to be stupid, ridiculous to be ridiculous, and you to be you.
-Gaia Giakalli

I allow the body to release, to express, what is hidden beneath the surface. No matter how long, I allow it to dance away.
-Gaia Giakalli


We are so conditioned to judge ourselves, others, and life that we miss the beauty of the journey…of life, of the other, of ourselves…the bountiful gifts and wisdom that it bestows…awareness begins to drift away. Instead, enjoy the journey, the yourself and acknowledge all the unique one of a kind of individuals that surround you…
-Gaia Giakalli

Why do we always have to make reasons for some things? Why do we have the need to have answers for everything? Fear of not knowing? What if it just is at that moment in time? What if it is okay to feel like that, or be like whatever you feel at that moment without having to attach a reason?
-Gaia Giakalli


There is nothing wrong with crying, laughing, singing, being joyful, feeling pain, screaming, jumping, dancing, walking, or anything. Do not deny yourself of you, of your body and what it requires to be healthy and happy. We are not going to always feel great or miserable. You have a right to feel hurt just as much as you have the right to be joyful about something.
-Gaia Giakalli



Nature is the perfect example. Every being is individual, it is self which then creates a harmonious balanced, satisfied collective.
-Gaia Giakalli

I am determined to be me...nothing will stand in my way.
-Gaia Giakalli



Yes, it might not be possible for the other, but that does not mean it is not possible for you. It is your body. 
-Gaia Giakalli


I just love sitting and writing all day whether in the park where I am inspired by nature, or sitting alone on the bed typing away. I just simply love creating! whether writing, taking photographs, drawing, dancing, anything it gives me is the air that I breathe...a necessity for my spirit to be fully joyful...
-Gaia Giakalli


I love not knowing where it will lead when I write my fairy tales, what the next moment will bring. You never know where the story will go, how it will begin and there is simply no need to. It is exciting, unknown, spontaneous, the same way I view life.
-Gaia Giakalli

Be the storm! The expression. Planet stupid cannot control you. You can be the storm, or fire, or the wind, then water moving and changing constantly, no one else can stop you because….you are not planet unaware. You are you! A tiger, a panther, a cougar, a crocodile...wild!
-Gaia Giakalli


I can feel, I can breathe, I can be sad, or I can be happy it is all the same.
-Gaia Giakalli


Mmmmm…it’s snowing and how beautiful it is!!! Such a beautiful gift to wake up to snow outside and everything is covered with snow!!! I haven’t had that much experience with snow in my life, yet, I find it is sooo special…all the white magic falling from the sky!!! Its so enchanting….simply magical...
-Gaia Giakalli


There were no neighbors, only the trees, sand dunes, plants, flowers, ocean, cats, dogs, birds, lizards, rabbits, and the various insects. My playground. It was so expansive and free. A few steps away from home was the beach basically our own private beach. The waves were my lullaby as I drifted off to sleep every night.
-Gaia Giakalli


Just because one person came up with this term everyone says,”look at the lesson behind it,” “there must be some lesson you aren’t seeing,” does not mean that is true. What if there isn’t any lesson? Yes there most certainly could be, for sure! However, what if sometimes there is and other times not? We always have an answer for everything! A judgment instead of just being, seeing what is true for us rather than what is the common assumption.
-Gaia Giakalli

We cannot make generalzations about anyone or anything, we are not the other and the other is not us. Our feelings, our emotions, experiences, gifts and pains are all unique.
-Gaia Giakalli


Our bodies know. Yet we block that freedom, that flow.
-Gaia Giakalli

Photo taken by Adithetos Melourgos


I always have had this intimacy with myself, many do,  I love being with myself more than anyone, I laugh, I have a great time, I am complete.
-Gaia Giakalli


My joy has always been exploring being in nature meeting new beings, insects, animals, birds, trees, and plants. There is an amazing creature everywhere you look!
-Gaia Giakalli


We think it is the unknown yet the more you are yourself the more you become aware. Far from being unknown it is what you always have been, it is the joy, the love, the caring you always knew was possible, it is the most comfortable real sensation you could ever have. It’s you.
-Gaia Giakalli

Photo taken by Adithetos Melourgos

Nature is itself, it is being every moment of the day. It is satisfied, it does not have to prove or have something in the future or become something, it just is. Therefore it does not only survive, it thrives!
-Gaia Giakalli


Nature reunites us with ourselves.
-Gaia Giakalli

Photo taken by Adithetos Melourgos


We share a love and connection to nature because it allows us to be ourselves there is no judgment, only being, which is what we feel also with others in our lives who do not judge us and accept us, and let us be who and what we choose. They empower us just like nature empowers us. This is also because there is no conditioning from nature. In society we are constantly being conditioned by one another.
-Gaia Giakalli

Photo taken by Adithetos Melourgos


When we enter nature, there is a purity there is no point of view on anything. We are not being influenced we are in a space and time where we can feel and be what we truly are.
-Gaia Giakalli

Photo taken by Adithetos Melourgos


Not a day goes by that I don’t marvel at the beauty of this planet…in all its messed-upness it also holds such an incredible is just amazing…I feel grateful for all the nasty, stupid, ridiculous unawareness because that too makes this journey, this life such a weird ass place which fills me with wonder…
-Gaia Giakalli

I remember that child on the street that smiled at me ever so brightly...I begin returning to my body...feeling within it...trusting it once more...I even have a little laugh about it. Ouf! Sometimes it is hard!
-Gaia Giakalli


What is this love of finding fault in the other? Pretending we know. Be and let the other be….allow life to be…instead of finding fault all the time there…this judgment of everything around us…so much energy wasted…energy that can be used to create so much beauty if we just focused on ourselves and our life and being who we are…what satisfies us, empowers us, so we can have peace…joy within.
-Gaia Giakalli


It no longer feels the same...the fear has dissipated...I had forgotten how to be...lost in an empty space...a longer solid within my no longer feels the same...I am the safety of my own body....
-Gaia Giakalli


I wonder what would happen if we could be who we are designed to be, and stop trying to create and be something we are not?
-Gaia Giakalli


I exist only here and now…my hands and fingers flow moving all that is within me and without…it is unstoppable….powerful… pppffff… who would not want a body when you can dance?
-Gaia Giakalli


An ultimate truth does not exist. A right or wrong feeling does not exist, a right or wrong person does not exist, or a thing, or a behavior, or a way to do things or be. It is individual at that moment in time.
-Gaia Giakalli

The key? Knowing who you are, what is you, and what is not, what is true and correct for you. Loving and being the magic of you that is different than anyone else.
-Gaia Giakalli


It's's all long as I surrender to it...allow...accept...whatever it this moment in time...without any preconceived notions of how much time it needs...what I should be doing or I should be feeling...this way it holds no power over me, I am just being...seeing...whatever is thrown in front of me...I allow the body to feel safe free express, it knows it will...
-Gaia Giakalli


Sometimes we tend to focus on a small event, one event, one behavior, one word and lock into it, closing our eyes to everything else. We stay with that and get stuck on one thing and harp on it as if there isn’t anything else when everything around us is moving and happening and we do not see it. We only see that one specific thing as if there is nothing else. We no longer see ourselves; we no longer see the other or anything around us.  We have stopped being.
-Gaia Giakalli


Be that beauty you are designed to be…
-Gaia Giakalli


When I go in, I go…full hearted. I am there fully, being and soul…no masks…no armor, I am here with you now…being. As I am, no pretending no framing, I just am. Whatever is at that moment, I do not know what the next moment will bring, I do not plan. How can I? I feel and experience in the moment. I am present within my being…within yours. I am being…
-Gaia Giakalli


    For me joy comes from the internal world and in nature where there are no boundaries, buildings, things – only grass beneath my feet, flowery perfume, rocks to climb, little creatures to observe. Plants where I can learn their various capabilities or offerings. Water to splash upon my body. Just being in the moment. There is no wrong or right, only preferences one might prefer to spend the evening behind closed doors in a café,  the other beneath the sky watching the stars. All is beauty all is life. Find what gives you joy, what makes you laugh and follow it.
-Gaia Giakalli


I wish you your roots within yourself to be as strong as those of a tree.
-Gaia Giakalli

Do not try and take my light…be your own unique light. Do not search for your light through anyone else’s, you will not find it. It can only be found within you while you are being you.
-Gaia Giakalli


Do not ask me about my future, any dreams, or views I do not know…everything is possible. The only thing I can tell you is what I will BE…and that…that is me…
-Gaia Giakalli


The only thing that feels awful, that can harm me, hurt me, affect me in any way is when I am not being me…and everyone that takes me away from being me… I do not have something I am looking for, want to attain or have, place to be, goal…it ALREADY is..I am being me…I am complete...I am free…I am me…grateful every moment of the day…and I love my life.
-Gaia Giakalli


If me being me is not enough then our relationship, will never be enough.
-Gaia Giakalli

Photo taken by Adithetos Melourgos


There is no explanation communication discussion that can change and make a person that is not correct to be in your life be so…you can only accept and follow that inner knowing.
-Gaia Giakalli

Photo taken by Adithetos Melourgos


You don’t have to do anything other than be you.
-Gaia Giakalli

Photo taken by Adithetos Melourgos


With some you can live in beauty together, with others you live in beauty separately.
-Gaia Giakalli

Photo taken by Adithetos Melourgos


The only correct relationship is if I can be me and you be you at the same time. Without judgment.
-Gaia Giakalli


You are unique…watch the unfolding by being it without seeking to change, create it, just be it.
-Gaia Giakalli


There is nothing to change within you, within the other or in the world there is only the knowing of who you are, what is correct for you, who is correct for you, moment by moment. When you allow the gift of you moment by moment by being it, life aligns you with the gift of the other, the correct people, moments, situations, and life.
-Gaia Giakalli


Being yourself, it being received by others, and then being able to be themselves with you is the greatest gift that exists, all a result of being you!!!
-Gaia Giakalli


Being you is enough.
-Gaia Giakalli


There is nothing more ugly then people making others wrong for who they are or being and nothing more beautiful then people allowing others to be themselves or who they are choosing to be.
-Gaia Giakalli




I am not better than anyone else I am just the best at being me.
-Gaia Giakalli


Being in a state of gratitude for me feels like I am going to explode from joy, in fuzziness, flying among the skies, in a pool of ice cream or chocolate mousse, beautiful flowers and trees everywhere…grounded within myself…everything possible, everything beautiful…in love with life. I love when that happens.
-Gaia Giakalli


People are like light bulbs some try to dim your light so their light can look brighter and others empowered by your light  turn up the volume of their own light.
-Gaia Giakalli

Photo taken by Adithetos Melourgos


I am not going to tell you how to be yourself I am going to show you it’s possible.
-Gaia Giakalli


When others try to dim your light take it as a compliment, you are doing something right, there is a light to dim!
-Gaia Giakalli


We are all unique lights. I am not here to give you my light I am here to be be my own unique light.
-Gaia Giakalli


My mind doesn’t speak…it’s my body that speaks.
-Gaia Giakalli

Photo taken by Adithetos Melourgos


Watching others be themselves is the most beautiful thing…just as beautiful as being myself…and watching the world, life be itself. Nature, the trees, the animals, plants and insects, ocean…the earth.  No excuses, no guilt it just is, which makes it the most beautiful thing that exists and…gives me the greatest joy to watch while I do the same.
-Gaia Giakalli

Photo taken by Adithetos Melourgos


When people ask me what my plan is.
Me: “My plan is not to have a plan.”
-Gaia Giakalli


I am neither good or bad, right or wrong, I am just correct for certain people and others not.
-Gaia Giakalli

Mind is beautiful! Just don’t use it to make your decisions, that is your body’s job.
-Gaia Giakalli

Photo taken by Adithetos Melourgos


Every day I fall more and more in love with myself, with life, with the planet.
-Gaia Giakalli


You do not have to compromise absolutely anything, no part of yourself, you do not have to push yourself to the side in any way, shape, or form, on the contrary it’s the complete opposite the more you do so the more it does not work because life has your back.
-Gaia Giakalli

Photo taken by Adithetos Melourgos


How is being alive not the greatest gift that exists? The perfection of life inspires me…existing inspires me…being alive inspires me…I am in love with life…
-Gaia Giakalli

Photo taken by Adithetos Melourgos


Life is surrendering to the gift of who you are an incredible beautiful journey filled with everything - joy, love, sadness, hardship, pain, ugliness, beauty, laughter, tears, struggle, grief, birth, transformation, judgment, empowerment, disappointment, encouragement, ALL equally beautiful when it is correct for us, allowing it all and being grateful for all that is. Or life is making mental decisions trying to be and create something you are not, missing out on experiencing the full gift of you, the other and life.
-Gaia Giakalli

People say no one is perfect, when in fact they are…you are. You are perfectly designed, unique, authentic, unlike anyone else, you are exquisite perfection.
-Gaia Giakalli

Maybe it’s about seeing the perfection within ourselves, acknowledging our uniqueness so that we do not expect the other to be the same and allow them to be their own perfection.
-Gaia Giakalli

Photo taken by Adithetos Melourgos

When people ask me what relaxes me: “Being myself.” When people ask me what brings me joy: “Being myself.” What is your plan? “Being myself.” What is your dream?”Being myself.”
-Gaia Giakalli


I truly come alive at night. Everything is so much more beautiful…the trees, nature…all of life…I love the night.
-Gaia Giakalli


My happiness and joy is independent of anyone else…it solely relies of being the fullest expression of who I am…then life surrounds me with the correct people, situations and places that nurture every fiber of my being.
-Gaia Giakalli

Photo taken by Adithetos Melourgos   


 Oh, how I love this internal and physical space...when I am deep in my being…myself and my melancholy…where everything is possible...where I never know what’s coming... what creativity or art will emerge..what movement…what words…what stories…what visions…I do not choose it…it just comes…no effort…no control…just being…alive in my body this moment…
-Gaia Giakalli


For me I love you when I love me…when I take care of me…being me…when I want you to love yourself…follow your path…your being…be the full expression of yourself. When me or you do not have to sacrifice anything...cut any pieces off…instead…we are being each and every piece of ourselves…I honor your every single cell…all of you…sharing our entire being with each other…I do not require to take pieces… I want you to be whole…I want you to have everything…and that everything is all that you are...
-Gaia Giakalli


People talk about outer body experiences. What about inner body experiences? What if we truly embraced our physical body? Grounded within ourself, fully in love with ourself?
-Gaia Giakalli


Love your body, love being you, then your life will be filled with shooting stars.
-Gaia Giakalli


Embrace the beauty of your own unique physical body. Embody it, be it fully.
-Gaia Giakalli


Embrace the gift that stands before you…you.
-Gaia Giakalli


Why do you want to change you? Just be you.
-Gaia Giakalli


You are perfect. He/she is perfect. You are just different people, at different places, on a different fractal.
-Gaia Giakalli


We are all unique fairies with our unique fairy dust spreading our one of a kind magic.
-Gaia Giakalli

It will happen, be who you are, don’t give up, you will have the life you have always dreamt of. Persist, insist no matter what the world tells you, be who you are, and…you will receive all that is correct for your body…it will happen.
-Gaia Giakalli


  If you try to control your life with your mind, you are not listening to your body deep within. Allow your inner being to speak, express, be, guide you, not your mind, not others.
-Gaia Giakalli


Allow your own authority to whisper its wisdom, its knowing.
-Gaia Giakalli


You be, I be, let it be.
-Gaia Giakalli


I said it…not with my lungs...I said it with…my dance…I spoke with my stories...I answered with my writing… with my photos...with my music…with my silence…with my eyes…I do not speak the way you do with spoken words…sometimes…rarely…my answers, responses, feelings come in other ways… I speak in many ways open not only your ears to hear me...
-Gaia Giakalli


Instead of trying to change things with your mind be it, the feeling, the emotion, the reaction, the movement, the action, the bodily expression. Embrace it full with no judgment let it move through you, be, release, transform. Be you.
-Gaia Giakalli

Photo taken by Adithetos Melourgos   


My truth is not THE truth along with everyone else's truth is THE truth.
-Gaia Giakalli


It's about acknowledging your body...loving it, saying,"Hey! it's okay you feel this way," rather than making it wrong for feeling this way...same with the other's not a matter of right and wrong the other right or you right the other honest with your body...acknowledge that you may speak share your truth with others. And remember its not THE truth...its YOUR truth...nobody else's.
-Gaia Giakalli

Embrace the gift of communication when its correct for you...communicate you truth and allow the other to communicate there's...then you can truly discover what or who is correct for can discover one another...but more can discover yourself...your own unique truth.
-Gaia Giakalli


I am not here to take what my mind considers to be the easy path, I am here to take the correct path for me whatever that might be.
-Gaia Giakalli

Photo taken by Adithetos Melourgos   


You say, I am a dreamer…I say I am a realist, aware of the beautiful potential that we all hold within.
-Gaia Giakalli


The result of my decision matters not…what matters is the correctness of my decision…deciding as myself…
-Gaia Giakalli


De-conditioning...mutation...the most life transforming process ever...resulting in the most incredible feeling...being.
-Gaia Giakalli

I don’t understand why people seek heaven elsewhere…earth is heaven…life is heaven....
-Gaia Giakalli


Without myself there is nothing. It all begins there and ends there.
-Gaia Giakalli


Living life as yourself no matter what it brings, that is all there is…without it, without being yourself everything else has no value…the rest all appears the correct people, circumstances, environment…forget the mind…be yourself nothing else matters..
-Gaia Giakalli


Just a few moments of stillness… watching the trees…listening to the wind…the fire warming my cat ally by my side…I am in my center once more…re-aligned…melancholic…silence…inside and out…within…
-Gaia Giakalli


With the moon as my backpack and the trees as my map...I am off...
-Gaia Giakalli


        No one can tell you who you are, only you know who you truly are. Among all that conditioning you are still there, others can guide you and give you clues, but no one knows you better than you. Learn to once again listen to you, as you release all that was given to you by the outside world, find what is true for you and ONLY you...
-Gaia Giakalli


I am not a dog or a cat or even a domesticated human…if you want one of those go to the pet shop, a shelter, a café, or bar. I am….wild and free, untamed, unrestrained….you will find me up a tree, flying above the ocean, lying on a soft bed of flowers…or dancing by a lake….
-Gaia Giakalli

There is no correct way of being, doing, or seeing, just being who you are.
-Gaia Giakalli


In a world where you can be anything…be kind, mean, loving, hostile, sad, happy, angry, silent, communicative, sympathetic, apathetic, weak, strong, an ass, an angel, an optimist, a pessimist, serious, funny, selfish, selfless, uncaring, caring be whatever is correct for you at that moment…be…real…be you…
-Gaia Giakalli

You can live out your nature, don’t live out your nature makes no difference…but don’t bother interfering with my nature. I am my own nature.
~Gaia Giakalli


I am  human and I am being human, I am Gaia I am not trying to be something else, to be Mary or John it’s not natural…I flow natural…I am ruled by my body, not yours. I am not trying to rule it, it rules me, I follow its natural nature like nature.
~Gaia Giakalli

 I am flowing alongside with life that is living out its true nature just like the trees, the animals, plants, and insects, who live in their body, they are not living outside of it like most humans…they are connected integrated within their bodies.
~Gaia Giakalli


Your body is safe…as long as you are your body…as long as you move with your body in surrender to it…then it can take you to places you never knew existed…
~Gaia Giakalli


For some life is heaven for some hell…I see neither…it just is…where there is no easy and hard only surrender…where neither is true…nor false…it just is…its something in between…beauty…and I flow wherever it goesthere is happiness and sadness regardless of where it goes…where beauty arises in both…fun..wisdom…self…being…wherever it goes…
~Gaia Giakalli

You are welcome to share my copyrighted quotes if you like, it would be my honor just do not forget to give credit to the author.