What we see is a small particle in an endless universe.
What if we could for one day transform into a bee or a butterfly or even a tree?
Our perception upon returning will have drastically altered,
The whole world would be reborn,
The cosmos changed.
We suddenly will have awoken from our deep sleep.
What if for a week,
Each person on the planet transitioned from one being to the next,
A rock… a flower… a plant…a cricket…a tree…a river… a beaver…
One day one,
The next…another.
Most systems, things, ideas, beliefs would no longer be.
Compassion, love for all that is – would heighten,
Respect would bloom,
Health would prevail,
Conservation would excel.
Is it but a dream?
Perhaps, not.
Maybe this is a process that needs more time,
Day by day,
Year by year,
We are beginning to see life from a different perspective.