Life…there is always both…on one side the wonder…the beauty…the ease….on the other the difficulty…the shadow…I stand there in the middle of both not in one or the other…in both places at the same time…but actually in neither places at the same time…I am observing both places…there in between…both neither feel real….this place in between feels real…it is where I stand…at this moment in time…never fully in either…they feel different now…perhaps a phase…or perhaps the place that is correct for me…an attempt to step into either feels not real…I do not control it…I am there in the middle…I am within myself…belonging to neither of those places…I belong to myself…these other places don’t feel real anymore…I am the only thing that feels real…my mind sometimes innocently asks “shouldn’t we be here or there? Can we be neither? This is quite interesting”….I observe….both sides…but I exist in the middle…within me…The phase “I don’t know” becoming more and more…there is only a knowing at this moment in time or not….there are neither questions nor answers…just being…I observe…