You are not the master, if you become the master there is only disaster, you are neither a follower, you glide with life, you move with life, all together, you cannot direct the movement, you can only move with life, it is life, you are merely just a tiny being in the flow of life, a participant…among many others…there is nothing to do, nothing to try…life just happens…you can only observe…do not interfere with life…with the movement…and there will be no trouble…it is bigger than you…you can either be part of life…within life…or try to control and lead your life so that you are living outside of life…move with it…do not fight against you… against life….against your body…instead love yourself…love your body…love….life…move with your body, with life…dance with life… surrender to the dance of your unique life….trust your body…trust its movement its flow…no matter how absurd…let it flow…and trust that if you lose your step in the movement lose your place within the flow that you may once again find you place within the flow…and continue to go…wherever your unique life wants to flow…