Life’s Simple Joys, Special Moments: Monday

   Around 2:00am spontaneously feeling very drawn…called to go into the stream under the small bridge. I didn’t know why, maybe to go explore the other side? The stream goes under a bridge and out the other side. The road is on top of this little bridge then the road continues. You don’t have access to the other side…its filled with trees.

Following that feeling rolling up my panths a bit and with my bare feet going into the stream making my way under the bridge. Discovering it wasn’t about going onto the other side…as I got under the bridge I was mesmerized by the sound. The acoustics were a dream under there with the water passing through. It reminded me of caves, I love caves…

There was a small area where the water was not rushing through so I was able to sit on the stones and be surrounded by the water all around me. I felt soooooo incredibly comfortable and safe under there, the acoustics were perfect…the sound of the water coming through under the bridge was the most relaxing song for my body at that moment. It was completely dark under there but on the left and right where the bridge ended you could see the trees and water clearly from the lights on the road.

Being that late there were no other sounds other than the mesmerizing water…I so enjoyed the gift of bathing my body in its most magnificent sound.

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