Dragonfly Encounter
Some weeks ago I was by this pond having fun taking photos of each other with my friend. There was this moorland hawker dragonfly among others. A male came and [ . . . ]
Some weeks ago I was by this pond having fun taking photos of each other with my friend. There was this moorland hawker dragonfly among others. A male came and [ . . . ]
So at first at the pond you would hear the frogs croaking all through the night it was one of my lullabies. Then they stopped disappeared the work was [ . . . ]
I spent the day at one of the lakes a couple of days ago. One of the people I hitchhiked with was this wonderful man. I felt [ . . . ]
I am camping on a beautiful ten acre property on Orcas island. Trees, plants, and a lovely pond. Amazing birds and dragonflies and damselflies everywhere. The people on the property [ . . . ]