I Am Home…
A fire by my side…my bare feet touching the Earth…the full moon watching over me…the silence of the night other than the ocean’s waves announcing their presence with their pounding…and [ . . . ]
A fire by my side…my bare feet touching the Earth…the full moon watching over me…the silence of the night other than the ocean’s waves announcing their presence with their pounding…and [ . . . ]
The Humpback whales (kohola) are back on Maui. If I were to recap one of the most special moments in my life, it was one day back in [ . . . ]
The sea is the whisper of calmness to my soul, No matter how crazy, angry, sad, diverted, influenced… I may get from the world around me, The moment I step [ . . . ]
Take off your shoes, Take a walk on the beach, Feel the sand between your toes, Listen to the waves and watch the sun as it exits, The pattern it [ . . . ]
In nature I feel at peace, One, Tranquil… In love with the world around me. Bathing in the waters of mother earth, Is but the purest, fastest way, For one [ . . . ]
Flip flops Sandals, Bare feet, Sun, Water, Sea, Sunglasses, Bathing in natures delights, Unraveling, Taking off your shoes… Simply experiencing, Feeling, Moving… with the earth’s vibration. Soaking in laughter, Smiling, [ . . . ]