One’s Truth
If you think you know how it works for the other, what their truth is you are in delusion. Remember you will always be viewing someone else’s situation through [ . . . ]
If you think you know how it works for the other, what their truth is you are in delusion. Remember you will always be viewing someone else’s situation through [ . . . ]
😍😍😍😍😍!!!!!!!Omg how beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!! I heard a knock at the door. I go open the door and see two children running away. I look at the door knob and there is [ . . . ]
Life is a trip…so f….d up…messed up…beautiful…difficult…captivating …wondrous…treacherous…hilarious…magical…bizarre….adventurous…pondering…a big question mark…all rolled into one…I wonder…what a crazy place…I observe..the mystery…the tragedy…the mastery…hhhmmm….that’s earth….
Today I got to see two of my “spirit” animals Nebbie the cat joyfully brought a snake into the house. 🐍 Later in the day, I was going on a little adventure. [ . . . ]
Right as I sat outside to read today the bald eagle that lives in neighborhood came flying above and began making circles above me in the sky looking for [ . . . ]
My tears fall…but yet in your presence its nurturing…soothing…loving…you calm my spirit and every sense. How can I not be happy, grateful in your presence? Your beauty…your spirit astonishes [ . . . ]
Have you ever wondered how a whole community of trees, a forest have a healthy, self sufficient sustaining eco-system and thrive so beautifully? Each tree is grounded deeply within [ . . . ]
I saw the deer tonight I had met back in October…again at night…we were both after the apples on the trees back then…tonight she was laying down on the [ . . . ]
Some weeks ago I got to experience this amazing sight. As we stopped for me to take a photo of the sunset. These two bald eagles began hunting [ . . . ]
Wow! How freeing and beautiful it is when you accept the truth and confront. How simple it is when we just accept allow our bodies to feel what they feel [ . . . ]