Today’s Animal Gifts
Today I got to see two of my “spirit” animals Nebbie the cat joyfully brought a snake into the house. 🐍 Later in the day, I was going on a little adventure. [ . . . ]
Today I got to see two of my “spirit” animals Nebbie the cat joyfully brought a snake into the house. 🐍 Later in the day, I was going on a little adventure. [ . . . ]
My first time dancing in the snow…. I was drawn to a spontaneous midnight walk. I went down by the river. The moon was so bright and you could see [ . . . ]
My one wish before leaving Canada was to see a coyote. I even went out last night into the forest in hopes of seeing one. I got to hear one [ . . . ]
Yesterday I got to hear coyotes!! I got to hear coyotes!!!! yuupppeee!! such a gift. There were a bunch on one side then another talking back on the other [ . . . ]