Empowering You…
No one truly has the power to shift your state of being for more than a few minutes, or days. You are the soul force of power, of beauty. All [ . . . ]
No one truly has the power to shift your state of being for more than a few minutes, or days. You are the soul force of power, of beauty. All [ . . . ]
So easily and often we get caught up in that trap of how things were, what used to be, and ignore the now. There is no past or future there [ . . . ]
It is not about becoming stronger. It is not about having or finding, or building more strength or courage, confidence, happiness, joy, love,…or even reaching a particular goal. It [ . . . ]
I am in full celebration of my 21st anniversary of being hit by a car! The most important gift I received was the awareness of the impact just one person [ . . . ]
Have you ever wondered with certain traumas, accidents, incidences, experiences, who is really the “traumatized” one? The person that actually has the experience or can it maybe be sometimes the [ . . . ]