Wherever It Goes…
For some life is heaven for some hell…I see neither…it just is…where there is no easy and hard only surrender…where neither is true…nor false…it just is…its something in between…beauty…and [ . . . ]
For some life is heaven for some hell…I see neither…it just is…where there is no easy and hard only surrender…where neither is true…nor false…it just is…its something in between…beauty…and [ . . . ]
Stopping everything, going outside and just being. Feeling the wind on my body and watching the movements of everything around me… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEk1UIGVN9E
I am a blank slate…so everything is possible. This is what is natural for me. No desires, expectations, conclusions, or plans. I don’t know until I know. I do [ . . . ]
Motivations According to the Human Design System: Those with color 3 Motivation of Desire are here to lead, to be involved, change what needs correction involved with what is not [ . . . ]
“We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today.” ~Stacia Tauscher So often you hear people talking how important it is to [ . . . ]