Life’s Simple Joys, Special Moments: Wednesday:

  Being outside among the night…visiting the next door trees that are blooming with white flowers…sitting up against the tree listening to music…calm…feeling the breeze…and just being…feeling deeper within myself [ . . . ]

A Day With Snow

    It snowed  🙂 ❄️❄️❄️…ah its so beautiful…I went out on the porch just in my socks and looked around admiring the beauty…walking slowly back and forth feeling the snow [ . . . ]

Tide Out

      I discovered one of my favorite places to be. I went down to the sea and the tide was out, you could walk way way out there [ . . . ]

Who Would Not Want a Body When You Can Dance?

     My body has become its own guide, I have no role, it takes over…it is effortless….it now speaks…it expresses beyond expression….automatic effortless expression…I don’t do anything…the body taken… drifting…traveling…lost [ . . . ]

Relationships, Bonds, Friendships, Me & You

   We are all deeply unique and different so when we come together with another person what we make and are together is unique as well. Every friend, lover, partner [ . . . ]

Recognizing Differentiation

   I was just pondering about the different motivations and views according to the Human Design System (the science of differentiation) and how it frames the way we perceive the [ . . . ]

Not Knowing Where You Are Going

I decided to take a break and went on my wherever it takes me walks….    Perfect temperature…the sun was shinning…I enjoyed you know the white things from the trees [ . . . ]