Night – A Soothing Blanket
Truly, what compares to being outdoors in nature during the nighttime? with no lights other than the stars…the soothing darkness..the gentle fresh breeze blowing against your skin…it is so [ . . . ]
Truly, what compares to being outdoors in nature during the nighttime? with no lights other than the stars…the soothing darkness..the gentle fresh breeze blowing against your skin…it is so [ . . . ]
When the sun begins to slowly come down… An hour or two before sunset… That is when I begin to wake up. As the sun sets, my body rises from [ . . . ]
Yesterday I woke up feeling irritated, icky not knowing why…all day. I was in a bad mood and not myself. In the nighttime I felt to go for a [ . . . ]
Night’s sense of mystery…the stars…the moon…the mystic. My favorite time out in nature has always been nighttime. I feel the most comfortable then. It seems unnatural to remain indoors [ . . . ]