“I am a different person now than I used to be”
When you say “I am a different person now than I used to be,” what you really mean is that you are more yourself…less conditioned by the world around [ . . . ]
When you say “I am a different person now than I used to be,” what you really mean is that you are more yourself…less conditioned by the world around [ . . . ]
Χαίρε δάσος αγριόδασος, Με τον πολυ αέρα, Φουρτουνίζεις πέρα δώθε ελεύθερα, Με τα φύλα τα φθινωπωρινά να κυματίζουν, Μερικά ακόμα συδεδεμένα … Και άλλα στο πάτωμα δημιουργώντας ένα πανέμορφο πολύχρωμο [ . . . ]
I always liked horses like every other animal but was never particularly drawn to them. I never desired to ride them. I had a couple of experiences as a child [ . . . ]
Her: what’s that? Me: A clock. Her: what’s that? Me: a clock. Her: why? Me: So we know what time it is. Her: But why? Me: pause “that’s a good [ . . . ]
For the past I don’t know year and a half or so been hoping to see salmon. There were several times in Canada I thought I would see. I have [ . . . ]
In my recent travels in Seattle I met a lovely human being named Tiberio who is a chef and bridges art, and sensuality into his craft. He has [ . . . ]
I received one of the best gifts ever the other day on my drive over to Seattle. A porcupine quill! I had never seen one before and being that I [ . . . ]