The Gift – Being Human
All these people trying to change who they are, be something “better” be something “greater”…reaching something greater…wanting more and more…reaching outside of their body…moving further out…instead of further [ . . . ]
All these people trying to change who they are, be something “better” be something “greater”…reaching something greater…wanting more and more…reaching outside of their body…moving further out…instead of further [ . . . ]
Living IS taking a chance…so why let fear get in the way? Life is dangerous…living is dangerous every step of the way…to make an incorrect decision can lead [ . . . ]
I was just writing a story and out of nowhere I started pondering about the structure how children’s books are written in a way as if kids are how [ . . . ]
Living life as yourself no matter what it brings, that is all there is…without it, without being yourself everything else has no value…the rest all appears the correct people, [ . . . ]
The roof just got higher…I have climbed way up higher…more aloof…more removed…more solitary…more internal…more myself…the kangaroo is more alive in me then ever…it feels refreshing…a big sigh leaves my [ . . . ]
For all of you who are having a hard time…a distressed time…confusing or unpleasant moments… Life’s a trip isn’t it? Up..down…decisions…here…there…putting you on course…or throwing you off…courage…to stick with it [ . . . ]
If you think you know how it works for the other, what their truth is you are in delusion. Remember you will always be viewing someone else’s situation through [ . . . ]
Have you ever wondered how a whole community of trees, a forest have a healthy, self sufficient sustaining eco-system and thrive so beautifully? Each tree is grounded deeply within [ . . . ]
So what happened after receiving the call from nature and life? (look at previous post. I am walking down the road to go to the sea and I see three [ . . . ]
So I am sitting on my bed working on my projects and for half an hour hearing this whole commotion birds flying everywhere outside. Outside the balcony window up and [ . . . ]