“I don’t feel alone, I want to be left alone”
“I don’t feel alone, I want to be left alone” something I had written a few years back…see, when you are individual as I, your core… your strength comes from [ . . . ]
“I don’t feel alone, I want to be left alone” something I had written a few years back…see, when you are individual as I, your core… your strength comes from [ . . . ]
The simple most gratifying pleasures…laying on the porch with my pillow and blanket along with the candle…with the view of the countless beautiful beautiful stars⭐️🌟…😍😍😍..music in the background…and never [ . . . ]
The roof just got higher…I have climbed way up higher…more aloof…more removed…more solitary…more internal…more myself…the kangaroo is more alive in me then ever…it feels refreshing…a big sigh leaves my [ . . . ]
For all of you who are having a hard time…a distressed time…confusing or unpleasant moments… Life’s a trip isn’t it? Up..down…decisions…here…there…putting you on course…or throwing you off…courage…to stick with it [ . . . ]
“ I wish, as well as everybody else, to be perfectly happy; but like everybody else, it must be in my own way.” – Jane Austen A little food [ . . . ]
I don’t normally take selfies, it’s been a rare occasion well other than taking photos of me while dancing. Today I woke up with a photo taking desire. My musing [ . . . ]
I went back to this special place along the seawall in Vancouver today enjoying my “solitude” with the company of the ocean, shells, rocks, and sun….mmmmm….I played with my [ . . . ]
I am back (well physically) from my solitude trip out by the ocean. No one but me and nature. No towns, no lights, or people. I got to experience going [ . . . ]
I am going in solitude out in nature for a few days so I will be unable to respond to any emails or posts. The photo bellow is how I [ . . . ]
The sun is departing, I watch its beauty…mystical through the trees, It’s spectacular light emitting through the branches. I float through in between the forest following it, Always keeping its [ . . . ]