Hummingbird Joybringer
I was sitting outside of the front door on the steps being in a bit of a blah mood, being serious…and suddenly I hear loud buzzing from behind me…I turn [ . . . ]
I was sitting outside of the front door on the steps being in a bit of a blah mood, being serious…and suddenly I hear loud buzzing from behind me…I turn [ . . . ]
Being in a state of gratitude for me feels like I am going to explode from joy, in fuzziness, flying among the skies, in a pool of ice cream [ . . . ]
My body has become its own guide, I have no role, it takes over…it is effortless….it now speaks…it expresses beyond expression….automatic effortless expression…I don’t do anything…the body taken… drifting…traveling…lost [ . . . ]
I have been noticing people’s attitude towards Christmas. People dreading being around family, not being able to be themselves, conflict, doing things they don’t want to do. Viewing Christmas as [ . . . ]
I am happy…that’s all…
As I was standing in the outdoor kitchen this morning. A humming bird came flying in hovering closer and closer to me until he was straight across my eyes…it [ . . . ]
I am camping on a beautiful ten acre property on Orcas island. Trees, plants, and a lovely pond. Amazing birds and dragonflies and damselflies everywhere. The people on the property [ . . . ]
The journey begins…. You plan all these details for a month everything you could possibly need for 3 months camping, you finally get there after MANY adventures the journey is [ . . . ]
I had written this a while back but hadn’t gotten to posting it yet. Unlock Your Door to Happiness (Some thoughts on happiness) The key is the [ . . . ]
I was just sitting and feeling all great and grateful and wonderful. The last couple of days I have just been having a downpour of things come to me [ . . . ]